I have to agree on this one. A great look at why Apple is still Apple. – andy
Columnist says Macs aren't for everyone. MacCentral notes a column by Wall Street Journal writer Walt Mossberg today – Mossberg: Macs don't make sense for everyone.
Unlike what I read in John Dvorak's rant from PC Magazine yesterday, this column actually makes sense. Macs are not for everyone. Apple serves a niche market, and this doesn't have to be a bad thing. For Apple's part, its job is to make it clear to the creative folks who are willing to use an alternative computer platform that the Mac and OS X can powerful tools. I don't want Macs to take over the computing world. Balance is the key, and with competition we may even see more innovation in the future. The danger occurs when one company or platform controls an overwhelming majority of the computer desktops. In other words, Bill Gates' dream of Windows on every desktop would be a bad thing, just as it would if there was a PowerBook in every backpack… [Mac Net Journal] [dws.]