Macworld reviews wireless access points. Glenn at 80211b News notes: Shelly Brisbin surveys seven Mac-compatible access points in Macworld: Shelly walks through standard features, installation problems, and a long comparison of seven access points that Mac users might consider. Many readers have written to tell me that some SMC and D-Link gear supports AppleTalk, but it appears to be works in progress. Great advice throughout the article as well as dead-on factual accuracy. (Disclosure: I'm a regular Macworld contributor and know Shelly, a regular reader of this site. But as regular readers know, I don't pull my punches.) [80211b News]
It's great to see Macworld doing this kind of story, but I need to set the story straight about at least one of the SMC Networks access points. The Barricade (SMC7004AWBR) does indeed offer AppleTalk support. In my case, I took the access point out of the box, walked through the setup process and upgraded the firmware for the thing and it started passing AppleTalk packets with no problems whatsoever.
In the months that I have been using the SMC Barricade I have only had to restart it twice to solve a nagging networking problem. Otherwise, it has been rock solid…
[Mac Net Journal] [dws.]