Brand "YOU"

Tomorrow I will begin, what I hope to be, a series of monthly postings on a
topic of interest. I have decided that August would be on my favorite topic
– Self Branding; otherwise known as "Brand YOU!" I believe strongly
in self-branding because it is truly an individual's greatest asset. No matter
your career, aspirations, experience, or education; your real value lies in
what you invest in yourself. Think back to your last employer. Were you hired
into your current position because of the physical tools or documents that you
would bring with you? I doubt it. You were most likely hired because of the
experience that you had accrued. This intellectual property that you invested
in yourself is the only capital that you maintain. Your experience, capabilities,
and knowledge are what carries you forward. If you are focusing on short-term,
tactical goals, without taking some time to "sharpen your saw," you
are investing in the wrong account.

Join us this month as we explore different ways to invest in yourself, as well
as ways to capitalize on the investments you have already made.
