Change the format of your menubar clock
To customize your Menubar clock in Jaguar, you must edit the file:
Replace username with your user name. Specifically, you must edit the
key “NSTimeFormatString” in the referenced file. You can add, move, or
remove the various components of the format. The default is %1I:%M:%S;
to find other “%” codes to use, type
man strftime
in a Terminal window. For example, I have my NSTimeFormatString set up
as %b %e – %1I:%M:%S, which shows up as “Sep 4 – 4:55”. Once you have
saved the changes to .GlobalPreferences.plist (I used pico to make the
changes), go into System Preferences -> Date and Time -> Menu Bar Clock
and deactivate and then reactivate the clock. You should see the
changes to the clock.
(Please read the whole article before proceeding. Some
precautionary steps have been removed.