Tonight Anna and I went to a 30th birthday party for an ex-coworker of Anna's from Apple. It was a great time. 3 tequila shots into the event, I was having a great time. We remarked all the way home how nice everyone seemed to be. It was a bit comforting that almost everyone we met seemed to have been laid off in the past year and had turned their life around with newfound ambition and courage.It's such a nice surprise to enter a house full of strangers and walk away feeling like you've left a house full of old friends. Even the cops that showed up seemed to enjoy the party. :o)It amazes me how each week, Austin feels so much like home. I used to miss Dallas quite a bit and rarely thought of Austin, but lately, Austin just feels right. It's been nearly two years since I came back. I guess we're finally getting settled. Finally.