Bruised & Beaten20 hours ago, I woke up ready to face a new and challenging day. What I was about to experience, no matter the weeks of mental preparation, I wasn't prepared. The simple fact is, I knew what was going to happen, but I didn't actually expect it.In the coming weeks, I'm going to do my best to educate the world on my “Lessons in Business.” I've been involved in a myriad of ventures and, while I'll admit to not being an expert, surely I have something worth sharing.Today's Thoughts1. Expect the unexpected.
I know that everyone says this, but really. You MUST do it. If you don't prepare for the worst, it might just happen.2. Act Quickly
When it comes to business, and saving your bacon, don't wait for perfect. Get it done. It has to be effective, but don't waste time going for the gold when silver will do fine. Deliver, and then move onto something bigger and better.3. Be Prepared
Millions of boy scouts and girl scouts can't be wrong. If you're not ready for that rainy day, you're gonna get wet.4. Insurance
Have a contingency plan. “What if ___________?” Make a list of what could happen to sink your business. Then, line by line, figure out how you would recover. Don't wait until it has already happened. By then, it will be too late.5. Determination
If you're not willing to finish the marathon, don't start the race.Tomorrow is another day. Bring it on. I'm ready. Are you?- andy