I'm Off to the Con … Blogging Resumes Promptly At Some Point on Saturday !!!.

I'm Off to the Con … Blogging Resumes Promptly At Some Point on Saturday !!!

Well I'm off to see the wizard … Wait.  Wrong movie.  I'm off to the airport and thence to PHP-CON.  I'll be back on Saturday and that's when I'll update this blog again (I don't leave my desktop running when I'm totally gone for a while).   While I'm out, you might want to visit any or all of these fine folk below.  Each of them kicked in value content for my Software Engineering Practices for Large Scale PHP Projects presentation.  Thanks everybody, I really appreciate the great input.

  • Keith Devens ö Database
  • Ray Hunter ö Overall and Design Patterns
  • Pete Jenney ö Overall and Design Patterns
  • Andy Edmonds ö WDDX
  • Mike Cannon-Brookes ö Testing and Performance
  • Kasia Trapszo ö Design, Overall
  • Demitrious Kelley ö Design and Scaling
  • Kjartan Mannes ö Design, Overall, Practical Tips
  • Russell Beattie ö Scaling and Performance
  • [The FuzzyBlog!]