Making Radio Fly
Yesterday, after helping a friend install Radio on XP, I realized how blazingly fast his usage was versus mine. I had read that there were some 'issues' with using Radio server on the same Mac that you browse from, but even when I switched from IE to Chimera, the speed up was minimal.
Since Radio is not yet available for Linux (HINT HINT!!) I thought I'd install Radio on the XP box I have here and see if I could move my files across platforms. It took a bit of hide & seek in the migration of the files, but after about 30 minutes, everything transitioned smoothly.
I'm excited to say that Radio has never been this much fun! It is SOOOO fast now and I'm a much happier Radio user. In this new setup, I'm able to access my Radio install from the public Internet as well as from my local network so I still have the same great access at close to a 5x speed increase.
Of course, this leaves me wondering why, with all the great improvements in OS X and its use of BSD and Apache, is Radio so much slower on a Mac. Any ideas?