Beverly, Ben's wife, is parlaying into the blog world by reflecting on the season of Advent. I thought I would copy each day to my weblog to share, but instead, I think I'll send the traffic over their way. This is a great way to prepare your mind, heart, and soul for the coming celebration of Christ's birth. Great idea Beverly, and thank you for sharing!!
Here is her first post. You can read them each day by visiting
Verses for Reflection During Advent, Day 1.
Advent is the month starting the 4th Sunday before Christmas and leading up to Christmas Day. It's a time to reflect on the coming of Christ and the work that was ahead of Him as savior of the people of the world. Each day I will post a new reflection for meditation on the coming of Christ.
Sunday, December 1st: As you anticipate the coming of Christmas Day this year, remember that the people of God had anticipated the coming of the Messiah for more that one thousand years. Jeremiah 23:5 “The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.”
Verses for Reflection During Advent written & compiled by Beverly Finklea.