Personal Contact Managers – Feedback RequestedI have been struggling with this dilemma for almost two years. I am looking for the ultimate Mac contact management setup. I use Apple Mail because it has decent filters and mainly because I prefer it's layout to Eudora. (if Eudora had a 3-paned display and a half-decent address book, I'd switch tomorrow)For contacts, I use Apple's Address Book simply because it integrates with Mail. The biggest issue is my calendar. I have tried iCal, but honestly, it's too darn slow and the adding/editing interface is crap. Palm Desktop is nice, but there is zero integration with other apps and I'm sure Palm won't be adding any new features anytime soon. Now-Up-To-Date and Now-Contact both seem solid, but again, no integration with Mail. I have also toyed with Daylite from Marketcircle. Being a version 1 program, it is AWESOME as a total CRM solution, but the calendar doesn't sync with the Palm and the address book syncing is done by first syncing with Apple's Address Book and then syncing with the palm. (too many steps guys, write a conduit)Sooooo – this leads me to my question. If you're a Mac user and rely on an accurate and sync'd palm-like device, what programs do you use and why?