
This is crunch time. There is a lot of work to be done. Client projects have been dragging on and I'm almost done with them. Exciting ideas and activities for “Sprysoft” are coming along. The tax man cometh. So many things to do. Only so much time is given in each day.

I'm doing my best to try to maintain a healthy work/life balance. It's so very easy for me to get sucked into work. Some days, things just need to be done. Other days, I just juggle the clubs as they are tossed my way.

I remember a year ago being totally clueless about what 2002 would bring. In retrospect, what it brought was an education. So many lessons learned. So much opportunity to experiment and test. So many trials and pain. So much joy.

The lesson I'm learning these days is focus. When there are more activities going on than you can simultaneously deal with, you must learn to spend time focused on each one without distractions, but the key is knowing when to move to the next — and which task should be next in line. It is a tough lesson to learn, but I'd like to think I'm getting better.

What I have learned so far:

  • Remove distractions like Email, Phone, Pagers, IM's, etc. If you have to, choose a new venue. Pick a new place where you're not likely to be found.
  • Set goals. When time is short, don't think you can finish an entire project in a single sitting. Set a milestone that is realistic, but challenging. One that will put you just ahead of schedule.
  • Don't lose the groove. It's so hard to get into the zone. When you're there, the smallest mental distraction can take you down a 2 hour rabbit hole. Get into the groove and stay there until you reach that milestone.
  • Give yourself a break. When you've worked a hard day, tune out for a while. You're never wasting time unless you let it be wasted. It is important to recharge and refuel.
  • Celebrate. Have you achieved a personal milestone? Finished a project? Overcome an obstacle? Take time out to party — even for a few minutes. Enjoy the sunshine. Take a walk. Go to a movie. Relax.

    Remember: Life is a marathon. Run it like one.