30 Days of Cash

Ok. So the wife and I have been going to these classes at our church
called Financial Peace University. It’s taught by a guy named Dave
Ramsey (www.daveramsey.com). It really has been an inspiring few
weeks. At first, I was incredibly reluctant to go, but about half-
way through the first class, I started getting into it. Now, the
wife is complaining that I’m going a bit too overboard with it all
and that she’s the one having a hard time committing to the plan.

Anyway, tomorrow starts the next step on our journey to financial
freedom. We’re becoming a cash-only family. Now, I’ll admit that
we’re taking baby-steps. We are still leaving some recurring charges
on our credit card, however they are listed as line items in our
budget. Everything else, however, should be paid for with cash. I
fully expect that we’ll fall on our faces sometime around week 3 of
this month, but time will tell. What I do know is that even though
we will indeed fall down a time or three, we’re going to get back up
and try it again.

No matter how much money you have in the bank, how much you take home
each month, or how many investments you have behind you, I highly
recommend the class. There are both audio and video versions, a
book, a workbook, etc. It is something that should be taught in
every high school in America and I wish I’d done it sooner. So many
of the concepts I’ve learned before and have even done before, but
Dave’s way of teaching really brings it all together and helps you
focus on the prize — true financial peace.