I love my girls and I’m so very proud of them!

Katie is showering all by herself and tying bows left and right … can’t leave two loose strings behind … or we’ll have a bow! She’s also begun a side-business with Tia drawing Angels for good causes … she’s quite the business girl! ;o)

Jackie is just a little pretending queen who just LOVES tea parties with her favorite super heroes … Diego, Dora, Stephanie and Sportacus! AND she’s learned how to unbutton buttons … boy, she is quite proud!

AND Riley doesn’t know that she’s only 18 mos and I don’t have the heart to break it to her either ;o)! She had some pretty cute super dance moves today while dancing to the Harley Davidson book Papaw got us many moons ago when Katie was born! She had the girls in stitches!

Love, Mommy