Merry Christmas to me!!
I just ran down to our local Time Warner Cable office to pick up my Christmas present. (early, I know) I talked the wife into splurging on TWC's new digital video recorder model cable box. I have been wanting a Tivo/Replay for a few years now, but I'm too cheap to buy one. TWC is offering a joint digital cable box / divital video recorder for $10 a month. Yes, I realize that after a couple of years, I could have bought two of them, but hey, life is short, and the Simpsons moved up too early in the day to catch it.
I've spent the last couple of hours playing around and setting a few shows to record while we go play “Here, Take My Paycheck” at the mall tonight. That's ok though – I now know what Scoble was talking about. I'll just start watching my 8 o'clock shows tonight around midnight. Now I won't have to miss Sunday's viewing of A Charlie Brown Christmas.
ok, enough fun — now back to work. I can watch tv anytime.