Don Gets It Right – Again
Don Strickland continues to preach the ideas of common sense in technology selection. Forget the ideas of Mac zealots and PC bigots – use it because it works and because it is the right technology at the right time.
In my experience, the only place that MS Exchange is valuable is in its ability to share mailboxes and calendars. I'm anxiously awaiting an open source alternative to offer a bit of competition. In the meantime, if you're looking for a robust, easy to manage, and insanely affordable email solution, do yourself a favor and check out EIMS. – andy
Eudora Internet Mail Server 3.2b1 (Beta – 11/12/2002), (EIMS) For setting up a mail server
Glenn Anderson's Eudora Internet Mail Server, formerly known as Apple Internet Mail Server and MailShare before that has been my personal email SMTP/POP/IMAP mail server continuously on the Internet since 1993.
A brief history of my personal EIMS server which has provided 100+ accounts for friends and family since late 1993:
1993-1996 on Mac OS 7.1 on an SE/30 and then an LCIII/33
1996-2001 on Mac OS 8.1 on a PowerMac 6100/66
2001-NOW on Mac OS 8.6 on a PowerCenter 133 that I bought in about 1997 (I think).
NONE of those machines EVER DIED. Each upgrade in hardware was virtually free because all except the LC/III were old retired machines that had been paid off years before they became my mail server. So when your IT manager insist on using Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes on some expensive NT or XP server farm 'managed' (ie. often Rebooted) by a team of MSCEs ask him why; because it's CLEARLY NOT actually about lower costs. I'll bet you there are LOTS of NT and XP mail servers that could easily be replaced by a cheap old PowerMac running EIMS on Mac OS X 10.2.2 (and a few MSCEs would be free 'to Excel Elsewhere'). [dws.]