Chimera Update
Well, it has been a fairly successful week of browsing. I'm happy to report a few key findings.
1. Chimera just plain works.
2. Chimera is what Mozilla wished it could be.
3. IE is finally out of here, well kinda.
Let me 'splain. One thing I have realized is that NO browser is yet crashproof. While IE sucks for its own reasons of instability, Chimera is still subject to some of those “I don't like Flash” or “I don't like that JavaScript” tantrums. I firmly believe that Chimera will grow out of these tantrums, BUT until it does, I have come to realize that running two browsers is the best of both worlds.
I use Chimera for my primary browsing, daily use, and development. At the same time, I have IE running in my other display and is running auto-refresh pages to monitor various activities. Should I try a site that Chimera coughs at, I just click over to IE and pop open a new window. Perfection.
Now, here's a feature that my buddy Don suggested and that I totally agree with. When I close my browser, remember the pages/tabs I had open, the location of the browser, and the size of the window. Apple Mail does this perfectly, without fail. I know it's possible. Come on folks, you write the code – I'll buy the pizza and beer.