Here's a thought.One of the big issues that small companies face (in my opinion) is losing company data when employees leave. There has been a HUGE meme floating around blogdom for months (years?) about the importance of knowledge management and knowledge sharing. While I agree that blogs are a great resource for capturing and sharing data, what I don't agree with is how to find that data once it is out and published. Google helps, but how many people are likely to catalog their findings?I, for one, choose to communicate primarily through email. In fact, this blog entry was posted via email. (Thanks Radio!) Now, imagine that all of your email, and everyone's email in your company, was cataloged and searchable via a slick web interface.Enter ZOËAfter testing this application (open source and completely free) for a day, I'm hooked. I send and receive so much damn email these days I can barely keep up, let alone remember what folder I filed it in. Since my browser is the second most used application, I simply click on my ZOË bookmark, do a quick search, and WHAM! It searches all of my email, sent and received, Google-style, and I instantly have access to the tidbit of 007-save-the-world important data.Now, imagine setting up ZOË to snag a copy of all of your company's email – incoming and outgoing. When a person leaves, don't worry about how they had their mail filed away. Most people would never bother to flip through an ex-employees email. BUT, when the fit hits the shan and you need to know what that ex-employee communicated, promised, or was supposed to be working on, ZOË will find it.So, I'm going add ZOË to my Swiss Army Knife and start pitching it to all of my clients, if only as a safety net for those “what if” scenarios. The software is free, but I'm not. (although contrary to some folks, I'm damn reasonable)