Don is a great friend of mine who I respect and admire. He believes strongly in open computing and open standards. His fight for Mac acceptance is not based on fanaticism, but on facts. As a fellow Mac user, who has also worked with Windows and Linux for many years, I use a Mac not because I have to or because I don't know any other platform, but because I am confident that it is the best platform for me. If it isn't the best platform for you, I'd like to know. – andy

Murphy paid a visit to Jenny The Librarian, who we missed dearly, since early August. She explains what happens. Oy. [Scripting News]

… a couple of Mac fanatics convinced me that I didn't have the time or money to invest in learning a Mac …


Good to see you back on the net … occasionally. 😉

As long as you continue to give your time and money to WinTel of course you won't have time or money to learn it doesn't have to be that way.

Why can't you say Mac without saying fanatic? That is offensive. Just because we CHOOSE not to accept the pain that WinTel users assume is unavoidable does not make us fanatics. We are simply a minority that know we have a choice.

I'm not a fanatic. I have used UNIX, Linux, Mac (1 to OSX) and every flavor of WinTel offered for 25+ years. I know a lot about many options and choose Mac OSX for my primary interface; in today's world that's all your local (personal) machine is anyway. How is it that you feel free to criticize my choice; while you are willing to buy the latest offering from the people who created the very software/hardware that caused you such great loss?

I'm sincerely sorry for your ordeal and the ongoing pain of all your WinTel brothers and sisters; but I am broken hearted that you continue to accept such abuse all the while abusing me because I choose not to tolerate the same pain. If you ever decide to break those chains … give me a call. I charge far less than Bill Gates and satisfaction is assured.

No network is too small or too large to switch.

Sincerely & Gently,

