Category: General

  • Vaya Con Dios, Grandpa.

  • Quote

    If each of us hires people smaller than ourselves, we shall become a company of midgets. But if each of us hires people bigger than ourselves, we shall become a company of giants. – David Ogilvy.

  • Weather

    I do believe I detect a hint of Fall weather in the air. Nothing hotter than 88 for 7 days straight. Finally!

  • Good-Bye Credit Cards

    Well, it has been just a few days past the five-month mark. Today we cancelled our credit cards. On April 1st, we announced we were going to an all-cash lifestyle. I’m pleased to say we officially “cut the cord” tonight and called Citibank with the big news. They weren’t happy. They offered to waive the…

  • Dinner at Momo’s

    Dinner at Momo’s Originally uploaded by 347. The girls spent the night with Momo on Friday. Here they are having a little dinner (chicken nuggets and french fries) while watching the Doodle-Bops.

  • Note To Self

  • My Girls

    My Girls Originally uploaded by 347.

  • Sundays

    I love Sundays. Early church with family and friends. Family lunch afterwards. A few chores around the house. Playing with the kids. Dinner together. Early pajama-time for the kids while we wind down and prepare for the week ahead. It is a great way to begin each week.

  • Quote

    I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand. – African proverb.

  • I Miss My Hog

    This weekend is the ROT Rally in Austin. My office sits right on highway 183, a main passageway to the hill country. For the past two days, about every 60 seconds I can hear a Harley go by. It’s slowly eating at me. I turned in my ride a few years ago when my oldest…