Category: General

  • Proliferation. Attention everyone: please bookmark the following page This is the Symantec Security Response online database. It contains extremely up-to-date information on computer viruses, worms and hoaxes. Especially hoaxes. The next time you receive a frantic virus alert email, warning you to delete a file called jdbgmgr.exe, or not to open a certain file…

  • Humor: Job Interview From Reader's Digest: The Boss asked four job applicants the same question: “What is two and two?”The first interviewee was a journalist.  His answer was “twenty-two”. The second, an engineer, calculated the answer to between 3.999 and 4.001.  The third applicant, a lawyer, cited a court case in which two and two was proved…

  • Teachers take note … err I mean take Keynote! K-12 Teachers can get iLife and Keynote for $14.95. Plus … Teachers can get Jaguar free. Dear Teacher, May I help you answer the following and similar questions. Will my current machine support Jaguar? Should I upgrade or replace my current machine? How hard is it…

  • Seduction. “It is your work in life that is the ultimate seduction.”    — Pablo Picasso… [inluminent/weblog]

  • Humor: 3 SmilesThree dead bodies turn up at the mortuary, all with very big smiles ontheir faces. The coroner calls the police to tell them what hashappened.”First body: Frenchman, 60, died of heart failure whilst making loveto his mistress. Hence the enormous smile, Inspector”, says theCoroner.”Second body: “Scotsman, 25, won a thousand pounds on the…

  • Focus This is crunch time. There is a lot of work to be done. Client projects have been dragging on and I'm almost done with them. Exciting ideas and activities for “Sprysoft” are coming along. The tax man cometh. So many things to do. Only so much time is given in each day. I'm doing…

  • The Human Clock Beginning last Monday, the wife volunteered for the early shift at work. (7:30 – 4:30) To many, this wouldn't be that big of a deal, but her previous shift was 9-6. Her old shift usually meant that by the time I realized she was awake, it was around 7:30. Piece of cake…

  • Easy Enable for PHP in OS X

  • Powerful WordsWhen you are a small business owner and your profitability revolves around the amount of time you have available, your day, and wallet, can be quickly interrupted with the onslaught of tele-marketers vying (begging) for your business.I used to just hang up on then, not answer the phone, etc., but GEEZ, they are persistent…

  • Humor: Good TradeA saleswoman is driving toward home in Northern Arizona whenshe sees a Navajo woman hitchhiking. Because the trip hasbeen long and quiet, she stops the car and the Navajo womanclimbs in.During their small talk, the Navajo woman glances surreptitiouslyat a brown bag on the front seat between them.  ”If you arewondering what's in…