Once Again – Ben is Right I did laugh. You will too. Dude, I'm getting a Mac.. You will laugh at this. [Ben's Blog]
What is a Weblog? Thanks to Dave Winer, I stumbled on a new blog find today – Halley's Comment. Halley has a great essay today on what you can say the next time somone asks “Why do you write about that on your web site?”. Just point them to this great article on Halley's Comment.
I'm Starting Early The holidays are upon us. While we jumped the gun a bit and put up the tree over the weekend, I couldn't help to notice that many other people were doing the same. Forget about the retail stores and their incessant need to squeeze in a few extra days of Christmas spending.…
Great Interviews “John” has found a couple of must-read interviews. My favorite was the one from the V.P. of Development at Amazon. I highly recommend it.
Wanna put words in George W's Mouth? http://www.lemonbovril.co.uk/bushspeech/ You know, you have to appreciate the effort and time that someone put into this. Personally, I'm all for George W., but this was just too good not to share. – andy
Bigsmallbig. Thanks in part to a nudge from Mark Pilgrim, and in part to a smart little PHP class (long since disowned by its author) [see below], the documents on this site are now served gzip compressed (at sizes reduced as much as 75%) to browsers which can handle such data, which I believe is…
Top 3 Signs It's Going to be a Really Bad Day. 3. You dreamed you ate a huge marshmallow and when you woke up your pillow was gone. 2. Last night you prank called your boss. This morning, he *69ed you. 1. Last night you told your wife you wanted breakfast in bed. This morning…
Plan B Interview – The Man Behind the Plan I've been hooked on reading Plan B for quite some time. In addition, I've been looking for new ways to practice my writing skills. In my quest for wanting to know more about Plan B, I thought I'd take a stab at an interview of Diego…
SpamFire is Goooooooooood I've been a registered user of SpamFire for over a week now. It continues to work well for multiple accounts and is getting smarter. It misses about 1-2 a day, but is a far cry from the 10-20 per day that Apple Mail would miss. Together, the two programs keep my inbox…
Vote Willie for Dumbledore Well, thanks to HBO, I finally saw Harry Potter last night. I kept hearing how great it was, but I never had a chance to see more than the first 20 minutes of it. I have to admit, it was a good movie. (hey, I'm an easy sell) Great effects and…