Yahoo's “Anti-Scripting” Filters Examined. It's being reported that Yahoo's free email service is now changing certain words in email messages, supposedly to stop “cross-site scripting attacks”. A good source of information is this article at Need To Know, linked to by (among others) Slashdot, where, predictably, discussion has sprung up about the ethical implications of…
Know Your Business Models. Do you really understand how companies make money? [The Motley Fool]
The Bates Method: A cure for myopia, an update.. One year ago I posted a story about the Bates method of vision improvement and the partial success I had with it in curing my myopia, astigmatism and amblyopia. When I wrote the story, no web page I was aware of offered a good overview of…
China's E-Mail/Snail-Mail Idea. In an intriguing, eye-opening notice last week, China's postal service announced it will provide a service to turn e-mail into snail mail, and no, they promise not to read it. By Steve Friess. [Wired News]
Some hints on automating Apache log analysis [Mac OS X Hints]
Carrie Fisher. “Instant gratification takes too long.” [Quotes of the Day] [dws.]
Barry Neil Kaufman. “A loud voice cannot compete with a clear voice, even if it's a whisper.” [Motivational Quotes of the Day] [dws.]
O'Reilly To Hold First Annual OS X Conference [MacSlash: A daily dose of Macintosh News and Discussion]
Archive attachments from mail.app messages [Mac OS X Hints]
James Bond at 50. Fifty years have passed since Ian Fleming sat down at his typewriter and began to develop the most famous secret agent in the history of literature. One year later, a lucky British public first glimpsed James Bond standing alone by a roulette wheel (where else?) amid the elegant baroque of the…