Category: General

  • Manila now supports the MetaWeblog API. Thanks to Jeff Cheney for the initial implementation. [Scripting News]

  • “Ridge is an internet connection watcher that monitors any traffic on any interface on your Macintosh. The results are presented in a great efficient interface.” [Let's see.] [Archipelago] [dws.]

  • Telecommuting is truly the only way to go. I'm sitting here, plowing away in my little PHP world, and outside my window a squirrel is doing the hokey-pokey in the grass. I've been baiting them for a few months, but this is the first one I've seen in our back yard. The darn critter is…

  • Texas floods kill 7 people [USA Today : Front Page] [dws.]

  • Saving Collectibles to the Macs. Over the years Apple has given out millions of branded tchotchkes. Some are now very valuable. Who knew a promotional poster would be worth more than $1,000? By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]

  • Learning the Mac OS X Terminal, Part 5. Learn how to have your own crontab run a script regularly and email your reports just like system cron jobs. This provides a free and easy way to ensure that your most important data exists on two drives. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service] [Mac Net Journal] [dws.]

  • Dr Bott carries an FM transmitter for iPods, thanks to Frank Tansey for the link. I wonder which works better? [Scripting News]

  • Try Proteus 2.0 for Internet chat needs [Mac OS X Hints] [dws.]

  • Apple's Jaguar leaps ahead of schedule. The widely anticipated update to the Mac OS X operating system will appear earlier than expected, sources say–good news for the company in a tough year. [CNET] [dws.]

  • 226 years ago, the USA declared its independence from Great Britain. [dws.]