On globalization, tactics, and the new football game. Love or hate it, football – or soccer for the Americans – is the biggest pro sport in the world. It has been practiced in almost every country for a long time, and has shown a remarkable stability in its rules since its creation as a sport,…
E-mail snooping rider on child porn bill. This week I was phone solicited by the Concerned Women for America to support HR 4623, which is supposed to be a more legally tight version of the 1996 virtual child pornography law that was struck down last month by the U.S. Supreme court for being too vague.…
Andy Edmonds: “The A Day in the Life study is a large scale sample of internet behavior. Data collected will be released under an open data license. The first study will commence in mid July.” [Scripting News]
Addicted to Google? Check out this page to find out how you can use it more efficiently. – Andy
sobriquet: Dictionary.com Word of the Day. sobriquet [Dictionary.com Word of the Day]
Macworld reviews wireless access points. Glenn at 80211b News notes: Shelly Brisbin surveys seven Mac-compatible access points in Macworld: Shelly walks through standard features, installation problems, and a long comparison of seven access points that Mac users might consider. Many readers have written to tell me that some SMC and D-Link gear supports AppleTalk, but…
Groupware Application For Mac OS? [MacSlash] I've added this item so that I can return to this thread on MacSlash often, hopefully finding solutions. [dws.]
Smoking. You gotta know it's tempting to just tell the story, but there's a problem, I don't remember most of it. I was heavily sedated much of the time and am rapidly forgetting the rest of it. Here's something I'm not forgetting. I am now an ex-smoker. I want to say that in public. Of…
Dave is back in the saddle. I'm just now becoming a groupie, but looking forward to it. – andy Good morning and welcome to another in a continuing series of web logs called Scripting News. It's not quite a soap opera, but it's close. [Scripting News]
I really like the idea of a sofwtare based Dead man's Switch like the one slashdot pointed to. Makes more sense to have a browser interface so you can 'check in' from anywhere. Once I get my office organized enough I think I'll try that as my first tool for “radio” [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's…