Vaya Con Dios, Grandpa.
If each of us hires people smaller than ourselves, we shall become a company of midgets. But if each of us hires people bigger than ourselves, we shall become a company of giants. – David Ogilvy.
I do believe I detect a hint of Fall weather in the air. Nothing hotter than 88 for 7 days straight. Finally!
Good-Bye Credit Cards
Well, it has been just a few days past the five-month mark. Today we cancelled our credit cards. On April 1st, we announced we were going to an all-cash lifestyle. I’m pleased to say we officially “cut the cord” tonight and called Citibank with the big news. They weren’t happy. They offered to waive the…
Dinner at Momo’s
Dinner at Momo’s Originally uploaded by 347. The girls spent the night with Momo on Friday. Here they are having a little dinner (chicken nuggets and french fries) while watching the Doodle-Bops.
Note To Self
My Girls
My Girls Originally uploaded by 347.
I love Sundays. Early church with family and friends. Family lunch afterwards. A few chores around the house. Playing with the kids. Dinner together. Early pajama-time for the kids while we wind down and prepare for the week ahead. It is a great way to begin each week.
I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand. – African proverb.
I Miss My Hog
This weekend is the ROT Rally in Austin. My office sits right on highway 183, a main passageway to the hill country. For the past two days, about every 60 seconds I can hear a Harley go by. It’s slowly eating at me. I turned in my ride a few years ago when my oldest…