Duck Hunt Photos Thanks to a great server-based software package called Gallery, the first set of duck hunting photos are now online. Check them out here.
Shame on Me Tomorrow is December 24th and I plan on spending the first part of my day shopping. Sadly, it's not because I forgot that “last minute item.” No, it's because I am WAY behind on my shopping. I'll learn – someday.
Top 10 Web Mistakes of 2002 Thanks to Jakob Nielsen, here is the list of the top 10 web mistakes for 2002.
Happy Birthday, Anna!! Today is my wife's 28th birthday. She has been kinda bummed about it since she isn't really liking the idea of “approaching 30”. I keep telling her that 28 is great, but alas, I have made little progress in convincing her that 28 will be her best year yet. We had a…
Greetings Y'all My apologies for the “zero post mode” this week. I have been in Stuttgart, Arkansas on a duck hunting trip. (my first duck hunting adventure) I have several stories, antics, pictures, and numerous entertaining bits of fun to share with everyone. I suspect they will start flowing online soon.
Why PVR's Are Cool What's a PVR? Why are they cool? What are your options? Ben tells all.
DRIVING TIPS! WATCH & LEARN!http://www2.omnitel.net/smirlis/tmp/schule.html
I love it when a plan comes togetherDavid has a cool tale of his latest emergency room shift.I enjoy reading his blog because he tells it like it is – the good and the bad. His last story, “I Shot the Robber,” really hit me hard. One of the last things I read before going…
Working At Home – And Being ProductiveHere are 3 simple tips for being productive if you work from home. I don't follow them all the time, but when I do, I find that I'm more productive and have a better quality of life and peace of mind.1. Get up and GO to workGet out of…
I want THAT job36 hours ago, the weather said, “No rain until next week.” Not a drop!! 0% chance! Today I woke up and it was foggy, misting, and the thunder was rolling non-stop. Then came the rains. Geez. Now what kind of prediction is this? AND, it came from “The Weather Channel.” You would…