Category: General

  • A Sweet Gift

    A Sweet Gift Originally uploaded by 347. Rackspace was cool enough to surprise us with our first shared hosting server when we retired her last month. We went on a tour of Rackspace’s new offices in Austin and they surprised us with our box, signed by all of the team members on our support team.…

  • The Real Boss

    The Real Boss Originally uploaded by 347.

  • Speed Up Apple Mail

    Daniel showed me a neat little trick today that has GREATLY increased the speed and performance of my Apple Mail program. cd ~/Library/Mail sqlite3 Envelope\ Index vacuum This process optimizes the local database that Mail uses when displaying folders, etc. EVERYTHING seems SO MUCH FASTER!

  • My Girls

  • Sprint Sucks

    It really does boil down to those two words – Sprint Sucks. Having been a customer of theirs since about 1998, I expect a bit more than an absolute incapability of taking care of their customers. Last night, my data service stopped working. I didn’t think anything of it since I’m somewhat used to random…

  • 30 Days of Cash

    Ok. So the wife and I have been going to these classes at our church called Financial Peace University. It’s taught by a guy named Dave Ramsey ( It really has been an inspiring few weeks. At first, I was incredibly reluctant to go, but about half- way through the first class, I started getting…

  • Roomba Rocks!!

    Luke came running into my office the other day and said, “Woot has Roomba’s on sale for $150!” We had just been discussing them a few weeks ago talking about the day when Woot might grace us again with a Roomba sale. Sure enough, it happened. Now, let me preface this with two facts. 1.…

  • My INBOX is EMPTY!!

    That’s right. You heard me. IT’S DONE!! Today I’m starting over (again). 1,008 messages (287 unread) are down to zero. Mark the time. 3:29. I’m going to keep up with it. I swear I am. No, really! I’m gonna do it this time!

  • Shutdown Day Recap

    Well, it was off to a good start – until I woke up. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages. Surprise! I had 4. Looks like our old spam filter was on the fritz. I used the wife’s iBook to log in and check it out. (not cheating, right?) I had…

  • Shutdown Day Disaster

    I’ll write more later, but shutdown day was a disaster. Work strikes again.