Two-TiVo Family
Ok, we’re addicted. Since we gave up TV for Lent, we have found ourselves watching less TV than we used to. Amazingly enough, we have once again become obsessed with watching recorded television and skipping commercials. Should we dare watch something “live” we instantly get cranky when a commercial comes on and we can’t skip…
Welcome to Our New Site
It’s time to fire up the blog again. It has been nine months since I last posted anything and well over a year since I wrote regularly. I’ve given up on Radio Userland as I wasn’t a fan of their annual subscription and terribly slow evolution. Instead, I’m jumping on the WordPress bandwagon. It’s built…
For other Radio blogging software users: How to backup and restore your weblog. Funny — deja-vu. I was going though my preferences files in Radio last night and found the back-up feature, and clicked on it — I was thinking it was a great idea and wondering how on earth I'd missed seeing it before. Heh. Because…
TextPattern – SUCCESS! It installed and functioning – albeit, not entirely 100%. I'm not quite ready to share my web location yet since it is still very “beta” and I'm not quite comfortable with the code yet. Dean has been very responsive though and I expect that TextPattern will be a huge success in the…
TextPattern Update Off to a good start, but stalled at the configuration. It seems that some variables aren't making it to the right destination during setup. I'll post the solution as soon as I figure it out or Dean points me in the right direction. – Andy
TextPattern Beta!! Yeah!!! Get your copy here.
TextPattern I have been biting my nails with great anticipation for the public release of TextPattern, the PHP-based weblog application. The message on the current site? upgrading to latest build Maybe I'm one step closer to my lucky day!!
Integrating DreamWeaver and PHP. Integrating DreamWeaver and PHP Since this came out a week ago (I feel so behind!), I suspect a lot of you have seen this but for those that haven't, here's a good article on DreamWeaver and PHP: … but MX finally offered a simple tool for rapidly building database-driven sites using…
Error Handling, Apache and PHP. Error Handling, Apache and PHP I'm on record as using this for my sites so here's a good tutorial that I can endorse fully: Using PHP and Apache, you can turn your “Page Not Found” messages into more than bland error reports. You can serve an alternate page based on…
Post-Traumatic Postcards Post-Traumatic Postcards is the latest bit from one of my favorite new authors, Leslie Harpold. The writing is in a great web site called The Morning News.