Goodbye Radio CommentsThe constant delay in loading my weblog front page was driving me crazy. So many times (especially recently) either my page would refuse to load, it would load without the comments, or it would hang for 30-60 seconds until it was able to load the comment code.Enough!!Now, if you click on my comment…
Personal Contact Managers – Feedback RequestedI have been struggling with this dilemma for almost two years. I am looking for the ultimate Mac contact management setup. I use Apple Mail because it has decent filters and mainly because I prefer it's layout to Eudora. (if Eudora had a 3-paned display and a half-decent address book,…
News AggregatorsIf you are reading this through a news aggregator, please email me a screenshot of what it looks like. I'm curious how my feed appears in your aggregator vs. what I see in mine. PDF, TIFF, BMP, JPG, GIF, etc. are all fine. Thanks! -Andy
Quote“The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.” — Author Unknown
Small Business Tax UpdateSales Tax is due today, January 21st!!
I think that Ben has truly lost his mind, but his comments are flattering, nonetheless. (Editor's Note: Ben knows more Andy's than just me, but I'd like to think I inspired at least #5) In honor of all the Andy's in my life: Top 3 (or so) Ways the World Would Be Different if Everyone Was…
Humor: Two RabbitsDid you hear about the two rabbits that escaped from the zoo? So far they have only recaptured 116 of them? — Slashdot
One Year Anniversary Yesterday marked the one-year annivesary of my layoff from my former employer. I didn't spend any time celebrating, but a few days ago, when I realized it had been a year, I did take a few moments to reflect on the events of the past year. Employment Immediately after the grand event,…
“Look closely — you may find “empty warheads” in the White House, too.” Scott makes a few excellent points. The media continues to do a great job of offering distorted, yet factual points of data. The truth is in the interpretation. Although I'm a huge Bush fan, he has still yet to convince me that…
Life in the ED David has done an outstanding job of re-capping a job that I'm SO GRATEFUL isn't mine. If I had to go through what he goes through each day, I'd be a wreck. I have great respect for folks like David who have the knowledge, patience, skill, aptitude, and huevos to get…