Making the most of a party – for fun or profitScott has a great article on how to get the most out of a party when you're looking for leads.Saturday night is our Christmas party – let's see if I can apply his wisdom and snag a lead or two.
How to Change Email-to-Weblog Timeouts The default timeout is 10 seconds. You can adjust it by changing the value of user.prefs.getMail.timeOutTicks — Set it to the number of seconds for the timeout times 60, for example, 20 seconds would correspond to a value of 1200, and 60 seconds would be a value of 3600. Thanks…
Attention New BloggersScott has a nice piece on how to write for your blog. If you're just getting started with your blog and aren't quite sure how to get moving on it, take a quick read. He sums it up nicely.
An Oldie, but a GoodieAn old man was sitting on a bench at the mall. A teenageboy sat down beside him. He had spiked hair in different colors; red,blue, yellow, orange, green. The old man just stared.The young man said sarcastically, “What's the matter, oldman, never done anything wild in your life?”Without batting an eye,…
An Ode to my Former Employer Click for More
What is Andy Listening To? http://acm347.wpengine.com/trackinfo.html brought to you by Kung Tunes & the U.S. Department of Distractions
Google's Trend Analyzer. The year end Google Zeitgeist is Google's way of measuring trends by analyzing the types of searches made. It's actually pretty cool to see what was up and down over the course of the year. Google is doing some interesting things and this is one of them. [adrants]
“John” is Back After a bit of a hiatus while he is getting settled into Austin, “John” is back in the saddle and posting again. It sounds like his therapy is similar to mine – when you aren't sure who to talk to, tell the world – through your blog. Here's to your new start…
From the folks at ToonDin – Bub: Freelance Hitman http://www.toonedin.com/movies/bub.mov
Is there a Santa Claus?? Let's ask FedEx This week, I was sending a package to St. Petersburg, Florida and started thinking about how FedEx gives minute by minute tracking information. I began wondering how far a letter addressed to Santa would travel. Would make it out of Michigan? Would it make it all the…