Category: General

  • Clean Clothes at 9,000 Feet

  • Tuckered Out

    Even the little starfish couldn’t handle all the fun.

  • First Sledding

    Here is Jackie on her inaugural run with her new sled. We really have Jackie to thank for spurring us onward for this trip. She asked Santa for a sled for Christmas so she could slide in the snow. Problem is, we live in Austin and only see a dusting or two of snow and…

  • Sweetwater, TX

    After a brief stop in Lampasas to feed Andrew, we headed towards Sweetwater, TX. Our gps took us on a rather unusual route, but we pulled into Sweetwater about 1:30am. The girls were awake after some restless sleep in the car so we had a quick snack of bananas and nutri-grain bars. Then they snuggled…

  • My Wife Is Amazing….and Patient

    “Hey, Honey. What would you think about hopping in the car and driving north until we hit snow? I think the girls would have a blast.” …silence… “No, really! It will be fun!!” After a few more moments of silence, my amazing wife agrees that it will indeed be an adventure. The last time we…

  • Technology Is Amazing

    I ordered a last-minute gift from Amazon. A text message told me it shipped the same day. This morning I received another text message saying it was delayed by at least a day. I searched the tracking code online at UPS. In under 10 minutes, they realized the issue (someone forgot to put it on…

  • Like a Bird in the Sky

    One of the perks of working from home is that I can squeeze in a few minutes of play time with the kids in the middle of the day. In this pic, Riley says, “Swing me high like a bird in the sky!”

  • Ready for the big hunt

    Andrew is ready to hit the woods.

  • Adios Training Wheels

    Katie never had much interest in learning to ride a bike, so we don’t push too much, but it was time she learned. It didn’t take long to persuade her to give it a go and within minutes she was riding solo. Momo’s house has the best driveway for the big event. I have a…

  • Little Man

    Andrew is growing so quickly. When he gets dressed up in his big boy clothes, he looks so grown up. I tried to catch a smile, but he was moving too fast. The smiling pics were all blurry, but he was quite the charmer that morning.