Category: General

  • You Snooze You Win, Learning Study Reveals [Scientific American] [dws.]

  • Well, it has been raining for nearly 4 days and seems like only a few hours between showers. I think I saw animals walking two-by-two earlier. :o) I wonder if this is what it's like in Seattle during the rainy season? Yesterday, my wife said, “Today would have been such a great day to work…

  • The United States Army is releasing their own game, this Independence Day – an interesting campaign to influence players (kids I presume). It is called America's Army , and on the 4th, it can be downloaded from — It uses the latest Unreal engine, which I presume means it will be worth checking out. [] Update:…

  • You Are Where You Live. How where you live reveals who you are. []

  • What If Kids Built the Cities?. A Dutch artist creates a program in Columbus, Ohio, in which children use digital cameras and multi-user software to build a new vision of their city. By Katie Dean. [Wired News]

  • Modern Warfare: Special Operations, Operation Eagle Claw. The realities of war dictate that the face of war changes. Once upon a time, armies faced each other on battlefields, formed lines, and charged each other. As technology and tactics have advanced, so has the face of warfare. In the first of two parts of this installment…

  • Modify shadowGoogle's input box properties [Mac OS X Hints] [dws.]

  • In my inbox: “So far, about 50 chief executives have been captured, including Martha Stewart, who was detained south of El Paso where she had cut through a barbed-wire fence at the Zaragosa border crossing off Highway 375.” [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog] [dws.]

  • Majorleague cool: Blog Toaster. Pings you with an instant message when a weblog you have pre-programmed updates on I just figured out how really cool this thing is. You can importort your Radio subscriptions opml file! [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog] [dws.]

  • Gnome 2: A quick look. The newest release of Gnome has been officially unleashed on the public with much attention paid towards improving the usability of the software. The move to make Gnome2 less of a “hackers” desktop and more of a commercially viable environment has been much publicized and discussed amongst the Linux/Unix faithful.…