A Sweet Gift
A Sweet Gift Originally uploaded by 347. Rackspace was cool enough to surprise us with our first shared hosting server when we retired her last month. We went on a tour of Rackspace’s new offices in Austin and they surprised us with our box, signed by all of the team members on our support team.…
The Real Boss
The Real Boss Originally uploaded by 347.
Speed Up Apple Mail
Daniel showed me a neat little trick today that has GREATLY increased the speed and performance of my Apple Mail program. cd ~/Library/Mail sqlite3 Envelope\ Index vacuum This process optimizes the local database that Mail uses when displaying folders, etc. EVERYTHING seems SO MUCH FASTER!
Sprint Sucks
It really does boil down to those two words – Sprint Sucks. Having been a customer of theirs since about 1998, I expect a bit more than an absolute incapability of taking care of their customers. Last night, my data service stopped working. I didn’t think anything of it since I’m somewhat used to random…
30 Days of Cash
Ok. So the wife and I have been going to these classes at our church called Financial Peace University. It’s taught by a guy named Dave Ramsey (www.daveramsey.com). It really has been an inspiring few weeks. At first, I was incredibly reluctant to go, but about half- way through the first class, I started getting…
Roomba Rocks!!
Luke came running into my office the other day and said, “Woot has Roomba’s on sale for $150!” We had just been discussing them a few weeks ago talking about the day when Woot might grace us again with a Roomba sale. Sure enough, it happened. Now, let me preface this with two facts. 1.…
That’s right. You heard me. IT’S DONE!! Today I’m starting over (again). 1,008 messages (287 unread) are down to zero. Mark the time. 3:29. I’m going to keep up with it. I swear I am. No, really! I’m gonna do it this time!
Shutdown Day Recap
Well, it was off to a good start – until I woke up. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages. Surprise! I had 4. Looks like our old spam filter was on the fritz. I used the wife’s iBook to log in and check it out. (not cheating, right?) I had…
Shutdown Day Disaster
I’ll write more later, but shutdown day was a disaster. Work strikes again.