Category: General

  • First Day At Swim Class

  • Mirror Lake, UT

  • A Programmer’s Dream

  • Terms of Use

    While reviewing an invitation from a client to create a Ringo profile, I decided to read their Terms of Use. By posting Content to any public area of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to Ringo an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license…

  • Katie & Momo

    Katie & Momo Originally uploaded by 347. We went to visit my sister over the weekend and sat on the sidelines of a soccer game of 5-year-olds. It was quite an event. In traditional Texas fashion, the weather went from a balmy 94 on Friday evening to a windy 65 on Saturday morning. Fortunately, aunt…

  • Treo test

    This is a test from my treo to see if I can post to my blog.

  • Retrospect Tiger Updates

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  • Apple Spotlight

    I’m very happy to report that I had my first case of “Spotlight Fever” today. I had saved a half-dozen screenshots a few weeks ago, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember where I filed them. Thanks to Spotlight, I was browsing all the screenshots in less than 3 seconds. I had already…

  • Rules for Living in Austin

    1. First, it’s pronounced AWS-TUN. It doesn’t matter how they say it in other places. 2. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Austin has its own set of traffic rules. There’s no book about them. All you can do is get in your car and hope you survive to learn them. 3. All directions…

  • OS X 10.4 Tiger: First Complaint

    Ok, outside of Tiger being a bit flaky, it’s not too bad. The initial crashes are gone, my machine is fairly responsive, and they FINALLY did some much-needed tweaking to Mail. BUT, I have to vent for just a sec on something. WHY OH WHY MUST APPLE CHANGE SHORTCUTS!! First, it was Safari. They changed…