Category: General

  • An old Cherokee chief is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. “One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and…

  • Send command line text directly to the printer. man -t open | lp

  • It seems kinda odd to read about this now. I've had this same service from Time Warner for nearly a year. It's not so bad, when it works. A dozen times I've had to reset my cable box when my “browser” failed to work. I wonder what browser they're using? I keep expecting to see…

  • EARTHLINK TO OFFER BLOGGING TOOLS NEW YORK — Internet service provider EarthLink Inc. has tapped developer Trellix Corp. to provide for its customers a forthcoming integrated Web site and Web log building software offering, Trellix said this week. Plans for the product are very preliminary; EarthLink is still determining what will be included and whether…

  • I Need Your Votes I just registered for the MacTable desk contest. I could use your votes. To do so, click on the link below, post your comments, and ratings. Only 50% of the vote comes from ratings, but every little bit counts. And, for your effort, you'll get to see where I spend my…

  • Key Xing Rocks!! I like function keys and they like me!! QuicKeys is too bloated and WAY too expensive. Through the Apple Consultants Network, I heard about Key Xing. If you are constantly flipping between applications and miss the ability to program your function keys is OS X, then download Key Xing today. The shareware…

  • Summing it all up How do you feel about going to war against Iraq? Let us make this decision based on what we will expect our children to fight and die for, because this is indeed the decision that we are making. – andy

  • Texas is “Getting It” This week I was able to renew my vehicle registration online as well as buy a fishing license (for immediate use) over the phone. Now, I'm sure that other states are already doing this, but it is so refreshing to live in a state that is doing it. The new web…

  • “Let's adjourn for one hour and go down to the Vietnam Memorial before we commit ourselves and our children to an unknown world in which any president can decide to go to war as long as he or she determines it is in the national interest at that moment… Let us not, in pursuit of…

  • Aizai is the first Internet service that allows individuals and groups to view, create and distribute digital photos, movies, music, web pages, documents and folders as virtual television channels.