Category: General

  • Mozilla Improvements. Mozilla Improvements If you are a Mozilla user (and if you aren't, you really need to think about it since Mozilla offers a solid, stable, advertising free, free alternative to Internet Explorer or Netscape 6+ / 7+).  Here are two cool things: Phoenix — a faster version of the core Mozilla technology.  Multizilla —…

  • Brian Greenstone's Guide to Austin & the Hill Country

  • Homemade Dot-Mac with OS X, Part 2 A great article by Alan Graham of O'Reilly fame. In case you missed part 1 Article Review: This article was a big letdown. I was jazzed about learning how to set up a “real” homemade .Mac server, however the article only covered basics of creating a…

  • A Welcome Weekend I remember back in February, I had been “set free” by my former employer for about two weeks. I was well on my way to getting my consulting practice in full swing. I dreaded weekends. Nobody worked. Everybody partied. It was a constant distraction. I loved “geeking out” and ramping up during…

  • Anytime I can do something simple in PHP, I'm all ears. Score! Search Amazon with PHP. Good find.  I've been wanting to experiment with this: Thanks!  And see: for more stuff including Google searching via PHP. [The FuzzyBlog!]

  • Did I mention I love google?. Search for “go to hell” and look a the first choice.. .. or just click here…. [kasia in a nutshell]

  • Here's a thought.One of the big issues that small companies face (in my opinion) is losing company data when employees leave. There has been a HUGE meme floating around blogdom for months (years?) about the importance of knowledge management and knowledge sharing. While I agree that blogs are a great resource for capturing and sharing…

  • 10.2.1 is out – and it's FAST!!! I just ran software update, installed the 14 meg upgrade, rebooted and WHAM! This update is awesome! It's more of what I expected out of 10.2. My apps, especially Mail, open and run SO much faster. THIS is what it is supposed to be like. – andy

  • A friend wanted to know how to get the Google search to work on a given URL (such as mine here, searching all of my Radio goodness). Google is by far the best search engine at the moment, and all of my content is re-indexed every 48 hours. That's hard to beat – especially for…

  • ZOè Contrary to what my wife says, rarely does a technology make me stare at my screen with my mouth open, but I found myself simply awestruck as I began reading about ZOè. I downloaded it, double-clicked the jar file, and it instantly opened my browser window to the main page. A few minutes later,…