PHP and Databases (for the Lazy Sod). A very cool approach to working with PHP and databases “PHP and Databases (for the Lazy Sod) from PHP Builder leading me to “Database Journal“. No this isn't using PearDB or ADODB. I've never seen an approach like this before. I really need to think about this. […
PHP CMS: MySource. From Keith (who got it from Matt) comes news of MySource, a new Open Source CMS written in php. I've looked at this long enough to know a) the link works and b) that the word PHP appears on the home page. But I really respect Keith's judgement in these things hence…
Beyond Success – Chapter 6 To fully achieve the best of which you're capable, you must love what you do. Industriousness and enthusiasm are inextricably bound together. — An excerpt from, “Beyond Success” by Brian D. Biro.
How to build a mailbot in PHP. The fascination with having software automate your mundane tasks never ceases. One such tedious activity lies in email parsing. Email accounts can be a useful tool for enabling people to enact a request or issue a command that may not require the intervention of humans. One such example…
Safe & Sound Arrived safely to my final destination. More news later.
Blogging My Trip I'm at the Austin airport at the moment, connected wirelessly to WayPort. It wasn't a bargain, but for $6.95, let's chalk it up as an interesting learning experience. T-Mobile has a service as well for $29.95 per month and reportedly covers 1700 locations nationwide. While it includes the DFW airport, it doesn't…
Is your axe sharp? Abraham Lincoln reportedly said that, given eight hours to chop down a tree, he'd spend six sharpening his axe.
I'm a GUI Today, someone compared me to a GUI interface. Now, some folks might be offended by that, but I took it as a great compliment. In his comparison, he said [paraphrasing], “If you want the straight facts, you can go to the command line and you'll get a dump of how it really…
Beyond Success – Chapter 5 4 KEYS TO AN EFFECTIVE MEETING 1. Every participant needs to be actively involved a high percentage of the time. 2. The meeting must start and end on time, and the clock must be used as a tool to generate energy and resourcefulness. 3. The meeting must produce progress; every…