Typical Homeschool Morning
Another great day at the Meadows Academy of Excellence!!
First Harvest
The garden we built and planted a few months ago yielded the first crop today. We’ll be eating fresh cilantro and green beans! The girls are SO EXCITED!!
Happy Pentecost 2012!
Happy Birthday to our Catholic Church! Compliments of Ms. Patti Kudlak’s awesome find on CatholicIcing.com. Thank you Ms. Patti and thank you Catholic Icing! The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit (with a veil?) :o) The Holy Spirit (with hair!) The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit (with mechanical wings … look Mom…
2 Minutes of Love
One of the joys of working from home (most days) is that I can take a couple of minutes here and there to interact with the kids. It’s a nice break and distraction at certain points of the day. Today, Katie wanted to learn how to kick the soccer ball up in the air rather…
We definitely found snow on our trip. The kids were elated with all the fun and adventure. We can hardly wait to do it again. I hope we never forget the singing, the giggles, and the shrill squeals of delight. Onward!!
The “Nerf” Pole
The kids were convinced that we were driving to the north pole. They didn’t quite hear the pronunciation correctly so the entire trip they were talking about the Nerf Pole.
Riley couldn’t stop giggling and singing while she played in the snow.