More life in Moore's Law, creator says. Gordon Moore expects that his law, which postulates that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every two years, will slow down a bit but continue to chug along. [CNET News.com]
Tapping brainpower. The country's sheer numbers and ambitious work ethic are producing thousands of engineers–and U.S. companies are recruiting the best of them. [CNET News.com]
I have never been a fan of natural gas powered cars due to the lack of availability of the resource. Since I have natural gas at my home, I would be very interested in this product. I think the refueling time is a bit slow, but if I can plug it in at night and…
I just added my new OPML outliner subscription coffee mug. Click on it (below the calendar) to subscribe. Haven't yet figured out if I'll get much use from it, but we'll see. It would be great if I could post all my Radio news through it. Don't know, but we'll find out soon enough. –…
Here is a great list of tips on using Apple's iPhoto. I love the application, but it's getting a bit slow with over 1,000 pictures. I'll try some of these tips and let you know how it works. – andy
iPhoto tips. Really useful article from Derrick Story at The O'Reilly Network” [The Obvious?] [dws.]
Abraham Lincoln. “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” [Quotes of the Day] [dws.]
Twenty Money-Saving Tips. Live well while saving money. [The Motley Fool]
Hacker to Apple: Watch those downloads. A security mailing list says Apple OS X users may unwittingly allow a hacker to piggyback malicious code on downloads from Apple's SoftwareUpdate service. [CNET News.com]
Living Below Your Means. “If I die tomorrow, I won't begrudge the money I leave behind. I'll count myself lucky…” [The Motley Fool]